My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • Michel, a nobleman, joins the National Assembly and witnesses the French Revolution, including the fall of the Bastille, the King's execution, and the end of the monarchy.
    by (STUDENT) Jackson Lusk
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  • The story of Joan of Arc, a young girl who believed she was chosen by God to save France and led an army to victory before being captured and burned at the stake.
    by (STUDENT) Jackson Lusk
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  • The story follows the journey of Austin III, a young boy who aspires to become a knight. Through hard work and training, he achieves his dream and becomes a respected knight.
    by (STUDENT) Jackson Lusk
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  • A boy named Atlas embarks on a journey to find a treasure with the help of his friend Harpy and goddess Nike.
    by (STUDENT) Jackson Lusk
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