My Published Books (8)

  • A bilingual story written in English and Bahasa Indonesian that explores the life of Mia and the things that she likes to do with her family.
    by Fiona Tamminga
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  • A bilingual story about a little girl named Alice who is going on holidays. It is written in English and Bahasa Indonesian and explores the theme of going to a variety places, doing a range of activities and meeting different people while on holiday.
    by Fiona Tamminga
    Eye Icon 14
  • A bilingual story written in English and Bahasa Indonesian that explores the life of Ella and her family, living in Western Australia.
    by Fiona Tamminga
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  • A bilingual story written in English and Bahasa Indonesian that explores the life of Isaac and his family, living in Western Australia.
    by Fiona Tamminga
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  • A bilingual story written in English and Bahasa Indonesian that explores the life of Harmony and her family, living in Western Australia.
    by Fiona Tamminga
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  • A bilingual story in English and Bahasa Indonesian which shares the events in Mr Wolf's busy week and asks the question "What is the time Mr Wolf?" It explores the themes of time, timetables and daily routines.
    by Fiona Tamminga
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  • A bilingual story in English and Bahasa Indonesian which asks the question "What do you like?" and "What don't you like.?"
    by Fiona Tamminga
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  • A bilingual story written in English and Bahasa Indonesian, about the adventures Summer enjoys as she travels to different places in Western Australia.
    by Fiona Tamminga
    Eye Icon 4

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