My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • A man named Luiz finds a baby named Harry and together they create advanced technology. Harry discovers he is from another planet and embarks on a journey to uncover his true identity.
    by frietzieey
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  • Olivia, a kind-hearted girl, suffers under her evil stepmother and stepsister after her father's death. Despite the hardships, she stands up for herself but is poisoned by them. After her death, Olivia's spirit haunts her tormentors until they flee.
    by frietzieey
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  • Rose, a young girl living in a magical town, embarks on an adventure to find a cure for her sick friend Julian. With the help of her magical unicorn friend Sapphire and a sorcerer named Sarah, she overcomes various obstacles and eventually finds the cure.
    by frietzieey
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