My Published Books (2)

  • Preschoolers learn why you are a remarkable person while learning body parts.
    by Denise Oliveri
    Eye Icon 270
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  • Humpty Dumpty falls off a wall and can't be put back together. The story ends with a link to more nursery rhymes.
    by Denise Oliveri
    Eye Icon 525
    Star Icon 3

My Public / Unpublished Books (13)

  • The story of Moses and the ten plagues in Egypt, told in rhyming verse. Pharaoh refuses to let the Israelites go until the final plague.
    by Denise Oliveri
    Eye Icon 149
  • Goldilocks gets lost in the forest and finds herself at the house of the three bears. She eats their porridge, breaks their chair, and sleeps in their beds. When the bears return, she runs away and learns her lesson.
    by Denise Oliveri
    Eye Icon 269
    Star Icon 5
  • Going to grandma's for a sleepover is so much fun!
    by Denise Oliveri
    Eye Icon 124
  • Kyleigh wanted to have a lemonade stand. What goes into having your own? Find out!
    by Denise Oliveri
    Eye Icon 126
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  • How did Noah get those animals on the ark? When did they get off the ark? All of your questions answered!
    by Denise Oliveri
    Eye Icon 67
  • Just because you are little...doesn't mean you can't do big things! Find out what gave David his strength against Goliath.
    by Denise Oliveri
    Eye Icon 108
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  • A rhyming story about the adventures of a spider, with lessons on perseverance and overcoming obstacles.
    by Denise Oliveri
    Eye Icon 606
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  • Manners are important. Learn how to show your manners to the world!
    by Denise Oliveri
    Eye Icon 223
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  • A nursery rhyme about a black sheep with three bags of wool, which are distributed to different people.
    by Denise Oliveri
    Eye Icon 264
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  • A whimsical nursery rhyme about a cat, cow, dog, dish, and spoon. Ends with a promotion for a website.
    by Denise Oliveri
    Eye Icon 168
  • Little Lolly has a routine that makes every day a great day!
    by Denise Oliveri
    Eye Icon 37
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  • What's your favorite flavor of ice cream? Read this fun book with your kids or grandkids today and discover together.
    by Denise Oliveri
    Eye Icon 68
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  • A silly farm is the best farm! Read this interactive book with your child or grandchild today and have a belly laugh together!
    by Denise Oliveri
    Eye Icon 75
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