My Published Books (1)

  • I wrote this when I was 6 and I wrote it on the computer. It is about two girls who go down to the beach and a big wind came and pushed them into the water. They got on a cruise and went to the wrong place.

    by Hailey Sweezy
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My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • Suzie Lauren discovers her ability to grow tall and she uses that to save people in need. She is unique but she wants to show people that unique people are awesome.
    by Hailey Sweezy
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  • This book is a funny dog book with Barack Obama in it. The dogs have rehearsed this many many times but they mess up.
    by Hailey Sweezy
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  • Kelly discovers her new chalk is magical, writing messages and causing chaos at school. She learns to embrace her unique gift and finds friendship with the chalk.
    by Hailey Sweezy
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  • This book is about what you do at Christmas time or what you could do at Christmas time. My favorite holiday is Christmas, what is your favorite holiday.
    by Hailey Sweezy
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