My Published Books (2)

  • The story follows the journey of a dog named Cookie, from being adopted by Nancy to becoming a police dog. Despite facing challenges and injuries, Cookie proves to be a hero, helping solve crimes and eventually reuniting with Nancy.
    by Samantha Roehrs
    Eye Icon 15
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  • A book for all horse lovers that you wont wanna miss learn things about horses and pls have fun reading this horse book.(:
    by Samantha Roehrs
    Eye Icon 57
    Star Icon 6

My Public / Unpublished Books (3)

  • A list of things grandmas are good at, including playing board games, giving hugs, reading stories, and more.
    by Samantha Roehrs
    Eye Icon 8
  • A description of the author's dog, Rehny, and her interactions with other dogs and owners.
    by Samantha Roehrs
    Eye Icon 12
  • A book about a hamster named Humpy who has unusual habits and preferences, including driving a train, dancing to the Macarena, and being scared of his spin wheel.
    by Samantha Roehrs
    Eye Icon 13

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My Collection - "Books I Like" Follow Collection

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