My Public / Unpublished Books (3)

  • A little girl prays for a baby brother, dreaming of all the fun they'll have together. But when the big day arrives, a big surprise awaits! As she adjusts to the unexpected, she learns that sometimes the best blessings are the ones we never saw coming.
    by Emie Joane M. Guintu
    Eye Icon 453
    Star Icon 27
  • After the heartbreak of miscarriage, a family embarks on a journey of healing and hope. Through tears, love, and unwavering faith, their story is a testament to the beauty that can emerge from the darkest moments, reminding us all that even after the rain, a rainbow is possible.
    by Emie Joane M. Guintu
    Eye Icon 265
    Star Icon 14
  • A family goes on a picnic but forgets the basket, leading to a series of misadventures before finally enjoying a peaceful picnic.
    by Emie Joane M. Guintu
    Eye Icon 40
    Star Icon 1

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