My Published Books (2)

  • Jay's first day of school takes an unexpected turn when his water bottle comes to life and claims to be a king. Jay must figure out how to turn the water bottle back into a regular object.
    by Iyanuoluwa Adeshina
    Eye Icon 89
    Star Icon 9
  • Two butterflies, Zoe and Lyla, have an adventure visiting friends and getting caught by an old man.
    by Iyanuoluwa Adeshina
    Eye Icon 1317
    Star Icon 36

My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • by Iyanuoluwa Adeshina
  • Two girls, Ellie and Lily, encounter a mean new kid who bullies them and others. They eventually confront the new kid, who apologizes.
    by Iyanuoluwa Adeshina
    Eye Icon 2
  • by Iyanuoluwa Adeshina
  • Katie enters a magical mirror and discovers Food Land, where she befriends the foods. She also meets Lucy, her roommate. After some adventures, Katie returns home with her family.
    by Iyanuoluwa Adeshina
    Eye Icon 1
  • Five friends named Rebecca, Amanda, Zoe, Sara, and Mackenzie become superheroes and go on various missions to save the day.
    by Iyanuoluwa Adeshina
    Eye Icon 1
  • by Iyanuoluwa Adeshina
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