My Public / Unpublished Books (13)

  • Tery, a bully who doesn't care about school, wants to be Student of the Week. After his teacher's advice, he changes his behavior and achieves his goal.
    by Jalaj Gupta
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  • by Jalaj Gupta
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  • A monster is coming to attak a kingdom. The king is scared himself!What will the kingdom do?
    by Jalaj Gupta
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  • A cat and dog fight over fallen food, but eventually share it and become friends.
    by Jalaj Gupta
  • Mary and her brother Andey eat an apple and are transported to a new world. They have adventures and discover a hidden island.
    by Jalaj Gupta
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  • The story is about two twins who have a birthday party and learn an important lesson about equality and rights.
    by Jalaj Gupta
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  • A little pig goes on a journey to find her mommy, encountering various animals along the way.
    by Jalaj Gupta
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  • Anne, a girl with a new neighbor, discovers that the neighbor is a witch. The story ends with Anne becoming friends with a ghost in a park.
    by Jalaj Gupta
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  • Stella, a young witch with less power than her sisters, faces challenges and seeks to learn magic. With the help of a new friend, she discovers her true potential.
    by Jalaj Gupta
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  • Enter a new world where magic exists with this book you are holding.
    by Jalaj Gupta
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  • A boy named Tim shares his anxieties and experiences leading up to Christmas, including his worries about Santa's surveillance and embarrassing decorations.
    by Jalaj Gupta
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  • I hope you loved this book! I will write a new one soon!
    by Jalaj Gupta
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  • A couple who wants a child finds one inside a giant peach. Their son, Peter, grows up to be brave and saves his father from a tiger.
    by Jalaj Gupta
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