My Published Books (3)

  • Cute story about pirates playing in a school playground and learning all about good manners from the children
    by jroche
    Eye Icon 837
    Star Icon 16
  • Leland is a Lion who wants to be a lifeguard but is constantly told he cannot become one. However, he learns the powerful lesson that one can achieve what it is they want to achieve if they work hard and believe in themselves.
    by jroche
    Eye Icon 914
    Star Icon 36
  • A cute story about a seal, a puffin and a moose and how each thinks they know everything. However, while each has their own "view" they each only know a part of the story. Great book to introduce children to the concept of how they should respect other people's point of view.
    by jroche
    Eye Icon 1778
    Star Icon 50

My Collection - "Books I Like" Follow Collection

  • The Legislative Curious Puffin
    by dailya
  • Leland the Lion wants to be a Lifeguard
    by jroche
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