My Public / Unpublished Books (14)

  • Dinosaurs have been around since the Mezezoic era, and we learn about them.
    by Jackson Keough
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  • A story of a growing hippo who lives in Africa, loves water, and saved a monkey from the tallest tree of Africa.
    by Jackson Keough
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  • Dinosaurs come in all shapes, and sizes, Big, Small, Glad, Sad, Wet, & Dry. They are special in their own way.
    by Jackson Keough
  • Shrek is going to be voiced by Chris Knowings, how great is that?!? Chris knowings shall be the new voice for Shrek since he hasn't done this before.
    by Jackson Keough
  • Something is wrong in the barnyard when goats quack and hens oink. What could the problem be?
    by Jackson Keough
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  • A tyrannosaurus rex returns from extinction and goes to a mueseum
    by Jackson Keough
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  • You'll be surprised on how much there is to know about the fun filled world of a big happy frog, a plump purple cat, a cute yellow duck, and a hungry blue horse.
    by Jackson Keough
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  • A girl named grace, rides a rocket ship somewhere to space.
    by Jackson Keough
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  • It is up the 3 billy goats gruff to cross a bridge and fight a troll.
    by Jackson Keough
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  • Frosty the Penguin, a bird who couldn't fly but loved swimming and catching fish, had adventures in Antarctica.
    by Jackson Keough
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  • For kids who need help learning World animals with Katie Miller
    by Jackson Keough
  • Alexandria Chaiet Mowery and her animal friends teach kids about Neighborhood Animals
    by Jackson Keough
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  • Leeda, a kind leopard who only ate dead animals, faces challenges from three bad leopards. With the help of a wise tree and an elephant, she tricks the bad leopards and becomes a hero.
    by Jackson Keough
  • Walter the warthog learns a lesson about humility and kindness after an encounter with a peacock and a lion.
    by Jackson Keough
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