My Published Books (1)

  • A greedy dog learns a lesson when he loses his bone while trying to snatch another one from his reflection in the water.
    by Kimberlynn Crawford
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My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • Tina, a lonely rabbit, meets a talking dog and cat at the park. They become best friends and live happily ever after.
    by Kimberlynn Crawford
    Eye Icon 11
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  • Priscilla Pig, a greedy girl, learns the value of friendship and helping others when she discovers a magical bottle that turns tears into chocolate.
    by Kimberlynn Crawford
    Eye Icon 16
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  • by Kimberlynn Crawford
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  • Eleanor, a troubled girl with an abusive home life, befriends Park and they fall in love. Eleanor decides to leave home and move to Minnesota.
    by Kimberlynn Crawford
    Eye Icon 21
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  • A museum curator is murdered, leading to a thrilling chase for the Holy Grail involving a professor and an agent.
    by Kimberlynn Crawford
    Eye Icon 4
  • by Kimberlynn Crawford
    Eye Icon 9
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