My Published Books (1)

  • GHANA BOYS is a 3-book series.

    The series tells the story of two, young brothers who were born and raised in the United States of America. They have an African-American mother and a Ghanaian father. They will be visiting Ghana for the very first time. They get to experience the food, music, language, culture, and beautiful landscape.

    Book 1: A very small history of Ghana. The trip to Ghana from New York. A visit to Kakum National Park in Cape Coast.

    Book 2: A small misunderstanding and its resolution with a native Ghanaian. The Twi language.

    Book 3: Ghana's Ethnic Groups
    by K.E. Watson
    Eye Icon 102
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My Public / Unpublished Books (1)

  • Dedicated to all of those who have lost their mothers. She is always with you. She loves you dearly.
    by K.E. Watson
    Eye Icon 22
    Star Icon 4

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