My Published Books (4)

  • Mira, a girl who loves to sing, learns to play the piano and guitar. She receives a guitar as a gift and later gives it to her friend Steph.
    by Miranda Camacho
    Eye Icon 100
    Star Icon 5
  • Gabi, a coffee lover, discovers a stack of letters from her neglected coffee mugs. They express their feelings of being left out and forgotten. Gabi realizes her mistake and promises to do better.
    by Miranda Camacho
    Eye Icon 74
    Star Icon 8
  • A children's book about Monarch Butterflies with photos taken on the author's family vacation to the Pismo State Beach Monarch Butterfly Grove.
    by Miranda Camacho
    Eye Icon 74
    Star Icon 2
  • The story of Mira, the girl who loved to read, read, read! Why does she love to read so much? You'll have to read, read, read to find out!
    by Miranda Camacho
    Eye Icon 353
    Star Icon 29

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