My Published Books (1)

  • This is a book about a detective nameed James Cornachi and he trries to find the spider that is stealing a old lady's valuables
    by palstar14
    Eye Icon 327
    Star Icon 15

My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • Lucy never gets attention from her family. Will she ever get the attention?
    by palstar14
    Eye Icon 125
    Star Icon 7
  • A human helps a village of animals defeat a monster, becomes friends, and exchanges letters.
    by palstar14
    Eye Icon 614
    Star Icon 24
  • The story of Orpheus and Eurydice, a tragic love story where Orpheus tries to bring his wife back from the Underworld.
    by palstar14
    Eye Icon 113
    Star Icon 7
  • A collection of limericks about various characters and their adventures, with a brief explanation of limericks.
    by palstar14
    Eye Icon 176
    Star Icon 5
  • This is a book about a girl who ran away and got lost. A person helps her go home.
    by palstar14
    Eye Icon 73
    Star Icon 4

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