My Public / Unpublished Books (7)

  • A boy takes a series of tests to determine his future career, ultimately deciding to become a singer.
    by river0310
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  • Liz and her friend go camping, make a fire, explore the forest, and return home. They sleep and prepare for school.
    by river0310
    Eye Icon 15
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  • Honey and her friends find a solution to their long vacation homework by turning it into a treasure hunt game at school.
    by river0310
    Eye Icon 19
  • Nasreddin receives an invitation to a dinner party but is ignored because of his dirty clothes. He leaves, cleans up, and returns to teach them a lesson.
    by river0310
    Eye Icon 14
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  • A short, informative text about the qualities of real friends and how to be one.
    by river0310
    Eye Icon 64
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  • by river0310
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  • A girl named Kate goes for a walk in the forest and encounters various animals, including an elephant. She calls her mom to help return the elephant to Asia.
    by river0310
    Eye Icon 13
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