Three Pokemon friends, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, and Charmander, embark on a journey to become stronger. They encounter a trainer who captures Charmander, leading to their determination to rescue him. Meanwhile, Charmander evolves under his new owner, Red. The
A retelling of the creation story from the Bible, with some spelling and grammar errors. The author expresses their belief in God and invites readers to share their own beliefs.
In the last book of 'Life of a Roblox Noob,' the noob finds the red ruby orb and heads to the emerald city for the green emerald orb. He faces Acid, the emerald dragon, in a battle and wins the orb. The story ends with the noob preparing to go to the Ice
Ice sends the Roblox noob on a mission to collect six orbs in the Land of Oz. The purpose of the mission is unclear, but the noob sets off with enthusiasm.
In this book, a Roblox noob takes a test to earn wings in heaven. He chooses to battle Fire and faces challenges. The outcome is left open for the next book.