My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • This book is about a girl named Taylor who didn't have any friends. When a new girl comes to her class she thinks she can be friends with the new girl. At first Taylor didn't say anything about being friends. The new girl gets bullied for not looking like everyone else. Taylor steps up for her and they become friends.
    by sam007
    Eye Icon 146
    Star Icon 11
  • This Christmas was not an ordinary Christmas Santa's elf's quit their job. It was up to Shania Brianna and Grace to save Christmas.
    by sam007
    Eye Icon 252
    Star Icon 7
  • This book is about three girls who love Christmas. One of the girls wake up to see Santa but he came in something Santa wouldn't........
    by sam007
    Eye Icon 969
    Star Icon 13
  • This is a book about Ebony going to school, but does not have any friends. Comes along a new students kids picked on her. So Ebony makes a friend with the new girl Amber.
    by sam007
    Eye Icon 148
    Star Icon 5

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