My Public / Unpublished Books (8)

  • A collection of short statements encouraging environmental action, such as recycling, using eco-friendly products, and collecting rubbish for art.
    by Sevinç Özdemir
    Eye Icon 76
  • Students in different grade levels create drawings and record audios to describe daily routines. Characters like Smurfette and Doraemon are chosen through class voting.
    by Sevinç Özdemir
    Eye Icon 91
  • by Sevinç Özdemir
  • Students will be able to introduce themselves using the Voki web tool. The teacher explains how to use Voki and students create their avatars, saying their names, ages, and cities.
    by Sevinç Özdemir
    Eye Icon 287
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  • Students describe their favorite characters' physical appearances through drawings and videos. They create quizzes about the characters using FluentKey.
    by Sevinç Özdemir
    Eye Icon 105
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  • Students learn about their family members and create posters and videos to introduce them.
    by Sevinç Özdemir
    Eye Icon 132
  • Animals and children in Dream Village work together to protect their village from a jealous stranger.
    by Sevinç Özdemir
    Eye Icon 228
    Star Icon 3
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