My Published Books (2)

  • Sometimes we need to get lost to find out who we are…

    When Djabali´s curiosity lands him in deep water far away from his family, an unexpected journey of discovery begins. Realizing he must "sink or swim”, the positive piglet learns to trust his own instinct and embrace help from an unlikely array of friends in order to return home.
    by Corine Timmer
    Eye Icon 859
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  • Mi encuentro con un jabato en Espanã me inspiró a escribir esta historia para niños sobre valor y amistad. Versão Espanhola.
    This is the adventure of Djabali, a wild boar piglet that gets lost but finds his way home with the help of some unlikely friends, like Andalu, the pointy-eared hunting dog. A story about curiosity, courage and friendship.
    by Corine Timmer
    Eye Icon 306
    Star Icon 10

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