My Published Books (5)

  • Medulloblastoma is a form of brain cancer, but what is it? You (and your child) will learn what it is in this fun-to-read book. Book number three in the "What Is? Series".
    by Gia Milano
    Eye Icon 90
    Star Icon 6
  • This is the story of a girl named Abby, who has cancer. Book number two in the "The Bald Series".
    by Gia Milano
    Eye Icon 93
    Star Icon 9
  • This is the story of a boy named Will, who has cancer. Book number one in the "The Bald Series".
    by Gia Milano
    Eye Icon 110
    Star Icon 15
  • ALL is the most common form of childhood cancer, but what is it? Your child will learn what it is in this fun-to-read book. Also a good bedtime story. Book number one in the "What Is? Series".
    by Gia Milano
    Eye Icon 506
    Star Icon 40
  • You (and your child) can learn the ABC's of cancer by reading this book. Book number two in the "What Is? Series".
    by Gia Milano
    Eye Icon 155
    Star Icon 9

My Public / Unpublished Books (3)

  • Chiari Malformation. A painful brain Malformation nobody knows about. Well, this book is here to change that! I noticed how there are no books about Chiari on this website, so this shall be the first one I guess!
    by Gia Milano
    Eye Icon 1
  • Hi there! I'm Gia, and I'm autistic and dyslexic, and I have a speech impediment. This is my updated story of being bullied because of the way I talk. To me, anyone who excessively points out and corrects your speech impediment is a speech cop.
    by Gia Milano
    Eye Icon 12
    Star Icon 2
  • All about me!
    by Gia Milano
    Eye Icon 123
    Star Icon 23

My Collection - "The Bald Series" Follow Collection


My Collection - "What Is? Series" Follow Collection


My Collection - "Books I Like" Follow Collection

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