My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • All animals in a kingdom are trapped by a hunter. They work together to escape, overcoming obstacles and learning the power of teamwork.
    by Mrs. Kirk
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  • Axel, a boy with a longer arm, faces bullying on his first day of school. But with the help of a new friend, he overcomes it and is accepted by his classmates.
    by Mrs. Kirk
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  • Stella, a caterpillar, is scared to become a butterfly. With her family's support, she embraces change and becomes a beautiful butterfly.
    by Mrs. Kirk
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  • Alfred, a monkey with a short tail, overcomes his fear and saves Vlad the fox from a tree. They learn forgiveness and share bananas.
    by Mrs. Kirk
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  • In an ant colony, Ulf, the strongest ant, struggles to lift a big seed. With the help of other ants, they learn the power of teamwork.
    by Mrs. Kirk
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  • Ted, a zebra without stripes, faces teasing and self-doubt. With the help of an elephant, he learns to embrace his uniqueness and accept others.
    by Mrs. Kirk
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