Once upon a time, there was an Egyptian girl
who was named Cleopatra. She was very
lonely because she always had to stay in the
palace to be safe. She wanted to have an

One day, she found an old room in the secret
passage of the palace. She spotted an old
chest. "Locked!" she sighed. Then she found a
brass key on a broken table. "There's the key!"
she exclaimed. She opened up the chest with
the key. She rummaged through the old scrolls
that had yellowed over time. At the bottom of
the chest, there was a flute. "I love the flute!"
she cried. Cleopatra started to play it.

Whooosh! Cleopatra opened her eyes. She
found herself in a magical place. "Where am
I?" she wondered. Then she looked around.
She saw mountains and a rainbow. Next to her
was a unicorn! Cleopatra looked up. Above her
was a pegasus and a beautiful red bird! "I
must be dreaming," Cleopatra thought.
"Somebody pinch me."

Cleopatra saw a little girl skipping down the road. "Gretel?"
"How do you know my name?" Gretel asked.
"I heard the tale about you and Hansel," she replied. "My name is Cleopatra."
"Nice to meet you. Welcome to the land of fairy tales. Would you like me to show you around?"
"Yes, but I came from a place far from here. I have to get back home soon," said Cleopatra.
"Don't worry, we'll get you back home. All wishes come true here. We'll go to see the mermaids first."
"Mermaids? I love mermaids!" exclaimed Cleopatra. Gretel gave a loud whistle and the pegasus came right out of the sky. "Hop on!" cried Gretel. Then the pegasus took off.

Cleopatra and Gretel arrived at the mermaids. There was a
beautiful waterfall with 2 mermaids swimming at the bottom.
"Cleopatra, this is Catherine and that's Joseph."
"Hello. I'm Cleopatra."
"My name is Catherine. A little something you should know about
me is that I love playing the flute."
"I love playing the flute too! That is how I got here. I found an
old flute in an abandoned room and played it. The next thing I
knew I was here!"
"That is very strange," said Catherine. Here, take this lily so
that you will always remember me. And you should really go see
the fairies. They will make you fly!"
"Thank you, Catherine," said Cleopatra.
"We must be on our way!" said Gretel. "See you later!" Gretel
called as they got on the pegasus. The mermaids waved.
Cleopatra waved back, and off they went.
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Once upon a time, there was an Egyptian girl
who was named Cleopatra. She was very
lonely because she always had to stay in the
palace to be safe. She wanted to have an

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