Egypt Books

  • Cleopatra and the Magic Flute
    Cleopatra finds a magic flute that whisks her to the land of fairy tales! She has to get home soon or she might run out of time.
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  • Ancient Egypt
    An informative book about ancient Egypt, covering topics such as pharaohs, mummification, social structure, pyramids, gods, and diet.
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  • Sneezer McGeezer
    Sneezer McGeezer goes to Egypt and helps a little mummy boy find his mummy mommy and then gets stuck in a pyramid. But Sneezer has a special talent - a very unusual special t…
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  • Golden Banana
    Penguin, the best spy in the world, goes to Egypt to protect the legendary Golden Banana. However, the sneaky fox steals it before Penguin can stop him. Penguin gets caught b…
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  • Ancient Egypt
    This book provides an overview of various aspects of Ancient Egypt, including its stable food supply, government, writing, social structure, art, technology, and religion.
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  • Harry And the Pyramid Of Giza
    This is the second story of Adam Ahmed's books. This time, Harry gets lost in Egypt.
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  • Howard Carter's search for King Tut
    The story of how Howard Carter went to Egypt to find Tutankhamen's tomb.
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  • Ancient Mesopotamia V.S. Ancient Egypt
    The story provides a detailed comparison of the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia, covering aspects such as natural resources, architecture, religion, writing sy…
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