This booklet is dedicated to those who love the truth and detest lies.
May God only receive the glory for those who will be encouraged to seek his salvation and truth.
( All scripture is from the King James Bible )

Right Rev Ricky

Welcome friends
to the ATM Cathedral.
Your $30.00 door charge
helps us bring you these exciting
messages of love and prosperity.
Be sure to visit my books for sale
www. love cash flow gifts inc.

Associate Reverend Mons Grabber
How to give
your money to
my causes
5000 pages of love

This book is
approved by the off
shore Bermuda
Triangle Savings & Loan

My friends here and across the world and by satellite I welcome you to our family at the 9000 association.
Before my sermon message I want to entertain you
with the new enlightened rap group " Snazzy pup & the gangster trio"

You got Dough & we don't
care what you owe!
Send it in & you'll be our friend!
Don't be snob get your self a
third job!
Send us a wad of cash ,we'll send you a book in a flash.h


Yes friends, those talented
music stars touched on my
message! I hope it will stir
you to not be a stingy tight

Oh yes, that reminds me
of my book on sale here
today for only $39.00!
I'll let my dear wife tell
you about it.

Oh hello, I'm Jammie Rae Ricky.
Won't you please buy my husbands book?
I'm almost out of make-up & our Rolls
Royce Is almost 2 years old & we need a
newer ride! Our mansion in Florida needs
new light bulbs! Our executive chief quit
and those guys ain't cheap!

Thank you dear, don't
forget your appointment
with the shrink!

One of our 9000 club members at our time share properties

Before i proceed to my
brief message friends, let me
encourage you to give often and with large
denominations! Remember
my birthday is soon! Give till it hurts!
By the way, our Everglades time shares
are limited so get in before they are gone!
Remember to ask for your free alligator
key chain with each $100,000 purchase!

Be sure to order Dr.
Ricky's book "How
to make me Happy"
on sale today only
9,000 club member's testimony on purchasing her quarter acre plot in the Everglades.

Dr. Ricky is so nice!
When an alligator got in my bathtub he visited me in the hospital. He sold me his new book at half price and autographed it
for only $10.00

Yeah, I was absolutely broke until
I ordered Dr. Rickey's 900 page book.
"How to to become rich catching
alligators in the Everglades!"
It was tough, those suckers are
slippery! Get your copy today for only
$47.50 Autographed extra
Dr. Ricky's son's testimonial of how he got rich.
- Full access to our public library
- Save favorite books
- Interact with authors
This booklet is dedicated to those who love the truth and detest lies.
May God only receive the glory for those who will be encouraged to seek his salvation and truth.
( All scripture is from the King James Bible )

Right Rev Ricky

Welcome friends
to the ATM Cathedral.
Your $30.00 door charge
helps us bring you these exciting
messages of love and prosperity.
Be sure to visit my books for sale
www. love cash flow gifts inc.

Associate Reverend Mons Grabber
How to give
your money to
my causes
5000 pages of love

This book is
approved by the off
shore Bermuda
Triangle Savings & Loan

My friends here and across the world and by satellite I welcome you to our family at the 9000 association.
Before my sermon message I want to entertain you
with the new enlightened rap group " Snazzy pup & the gangster trio"
- END >
(from $3.99+) -
(from $3.99+) - DOWNLOAD
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