To all lgtbq+ people and their allies.
You are loved, you are valid, and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.

A quick recap: What does LGBTQ+ stand for?
The LGBTQ community is extremely diverse and represents a variety of different sexualities and genders.
L: Lesbian (girl + girl)
G: Gay (boy + boy, also used as an umbrella term for the lgbtq community)
B: Bisexual (a person attracted to two genders)
T: Transgender (a person who identifies with a different gender than the one given to them at birth)
Q: Queer, an umbrella term for the lgbtq community and encompasses many different genders and sexualities.
The + stands for other identities within the community. These include:
Questioning: someone who is unsure of their sexual or gender identity and isn't ready to label themselves as a specific identity.
Intersex: someone born with reproductive anatomy that doesn't fit the boxes of male or female.
Asexual: someone who doesn't experience sexual attraction, but can still experience romantic attraction.
Pansexual: someone attracted to anyone, regardless of gender
Genderfluid: someone who has a changing or shifting gender identity
And many, many more.

Rainbow Pride Flag
The rainbow pride flag is used to symbolize the overall LGBTQ+ community. It is also probably the most recognizable symbol of pride. It was created in 1978 by Gilibert Baker. Each color has a specific meaning. Baker's original flag included
pink and turquoise,
but those two colors
were excluded so it
would be easier to
mass produce the
Color meanings:
Red: life
Orange: healing
Yellow: sunlight
Green: nature
Blue: harmony
Purple: spirit
Pink: sex
Turquoise: magic

The Philadelphia's People of Color inclusive flag was created in 2017 to include black and brown people in the pride flag.
The progress flag, created in 2018 by Daniel Quasar. It combines the colors from Philly's flag and the transgender flag.

Bisexual Flag
The bisexual flag was created by Michael Page, who wanted to create a flag specifically for bisexuals. Again, each of the colors holds a meaning.
same-sex attraction
attraction to both
Blue: opposite-sex

Pansexual Flag
It is unclear who made the pansexual flag, but it started showing up online in 2010. It eventually became a symbol for attraction to all genders.
Pink: attraction to
Yellow: attraction to
all other genders.
Blue: attraction to

Lesbian Flag
The original lesbian flag had a red kiss mark in the top left corner to symbolize lipstick lesbians instead of the stereotypical butch lesbian and included 7 shades of pink. It was created by Natalie McCray in 2010.
However, McCray was
accused of transphobia,
biphobia, and racism.
She later denied those
claims, but nonetheless,
a new lesbian pride flag
was created, putting
orange on the flag.
Color meanings:
Dark orange: gender non-conformity
Middle orange: independence
Light orange: community
White: unique relationships to womanhood
Light pink: serenity and peace
Middle pink: love and sex
Dark pink: femininity

Simpler flag created to make mass printing easier.

Original lesbian pride flag created by Natalie McCray in 2010.

Asexual Flag
The asexual flag was created in 2010 to bring awareness to the community. Asexuality is defined as a lack of sexual attraction. It is also a spectrum, as some people fall into gray asexuality, where they only experience sexual attraction
Black: asexuality as a
Gray: gray asexuality
and demisexuality
White: sexuality
Purple: community
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To all lgtbq+ people and their allies.
You are loved, you are valid, and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.

A quick recap: What does LGBTQ+ stand for?
The LGBTQ community is extremely diverse and represents a variety of different sexualities and genders.
L: Lesbian (girl + girl)
G: Gay (boy + boy, also used as an umbrella term for the lgbtq community)
B: Bisexual (a person attracted to two genders)
T: Transgender (a person who identifies with a different gender than the one given to them at birth)
Q: Queer, an umbrella term for the lgbtq community and encompasses many different genders and sexualities.
The + stands for other identities within the community. These include:
Questioning: someone who is unsure of their sexual or gender identity and isn't ready to label themselves as a specific identity.
Intersex: someone born with reproductive anatomy that doesn't fit the boxes of male or female.
Asexual: someone who doesn't experience sexual attraction, but can still experience romantic attraction.
Pansexual: someone attracted to anyone, regardless of gender
Genderfluid: someone who has a changing or shifting gender identity
And many, many more.

Rainbow Pride Flag
The rainbow pride flag is used to symbolize the overall LGBTQ+ community. It is also probably the most recognizable symbol of pride. It was created in 1978 by Gilibert Baker. Each color has a specific meaning. Baker's original flag included
pink and turquoise,
but those two colors
were excluded so it
would be easier to
mass produce the
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"L G B T Q + F L A G S : A G U I D E"
Created in celebration of pride month and the 51st anniversary of the Stonewall Riots.
Happy pride!
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