Acid Rain Books

    Gavin, a survivor in an acid storm, documents his struggles and the dwindling hope of his society.
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  • The Effects of Acid Rain
    Paul and his family go on vacation to a lake. They notice factories causing pollution and acid rain. Paul learns about the importance of protecting the environment.
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  • Acid Rain and Anna
    Anna, a 7-year-old from Argentina, loves playing soccer. One day, she encounters acid rain and suffers health issues. After treatment, she recovers and can play again.
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  • Global Warming
    This story discusses global warming, greenhouse effect, greenhouse gases, consequences of global warming, climate change, carbon footprint, erosion and desertification, acid …
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  • Venus
    This book has all facts about the planet Venus. Read this book and like it!
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  • Mr.Acid Rain Attacks!
    The story of how the people of Newcastle tackle pollution caused by Mr. Acid Rain and restore their city's environment.
  • The acid shark
    A story about the effects of acid rain and the importance of environmental conservation, told through the perspective of a character named Steve.
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  • The Rusted Bike A story about acid rain
    Jerry, a 10-year-old boy, loves riding bikes. One day, he encounters acid rain and his bike rusts. He learns about acid rain and gets a new bike. However, he still faces heal…
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