Authority Books

  • Mr. Big
    What’s a teacher to do when trouble rules the class? Call Mr. Big!
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  • The Valentine Dilemma
    Four kids become detectives to save the Valentine party. Will they be able to figure out what happened or will they fail miserably? A story of team work and forgiveness. Fin…
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  • Indianapolis Guide
    This book is a collaborative effort by three second-grade classes, providing an informative guide about Indianapolis. It covers various landmarks, institutions, and historica…
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  • The St. Andrews Student Revolution
    A series of events in a school where students rebel against rules and authority, leading to consequences and anger.
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  • The Voyage of the Pilgrims
    Elizabeth Hopkins recounts her family's journey on the Mayflower to the New World, their struggles in Plymouth, and their friendship with Native Americans.
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  • Appeal To Authority
    A brief explanation of the logical fallacy 'appeal to authority' and a conversation between kids about going swimming.
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  • The Battle Through Segregation
    A family in apartheid-era South Africa must navigate the challenges of finding medical help, evading authorities, and seeking a better life.
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    This book was lovingly designed by a group of seniors in Victoria, BC., facilitated by Margaret, an activity worker where they live. One of our ladies was moved by a National…
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