Disobedience Books

  • The Princess & the King
    The princess chooses to disobey her father's loving warning and finds herself lost and afraid.
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  • the little raindrop
    Story based on Biblical principles. Obedience, forgiveness, and God's plan for your life.
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  • Max Tells a Lie
    Max, a boy who loves soup, disobeys his mother and has to clean his messy room. He later apologizes and promises to be honest.
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  • The Ninja Who Played Video Games
    A boy tries to play video games while his mom is away, but gets caught and reprimanded.
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  • Jonah's Journey
    Jonah's Journey is a story about the Bible character prophet Jonah. This book teaches children about the importance of being obedient, specially, being obedient to God. I hop…
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  • The Little Blue Whale
    A naughty little whale disobeys her mother and gets into trouble with a shark, but is saved by her mother. She learns to listen and becomes well-behaved.
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  • The tales of Robinson Crusoe
    Robinson Crusoe, a young boy who loves sailing, disobeys his parents and embarks on an adventure. He faces challenges, survives on an island, and eventually returns home.
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  • Princess Ladybug and Rudy
    This story illustrates very sweetly what happens when you choose NOT to listen to Mommy and Daddy - Even when you are a Princess. Written by a precocious four year-old Princ…
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