Dog Park Books

  • The Dog Park
    Cece, a cat, dreams of playing at the dog park. Despite being told cats aren't allowed, she convinces the dogs to let her play and proves they're not so different after all.
  • Kelly's Adventure in Dog-Town
    Dog is friends with a cat. Cat goes to dog park with him. Doesn't end up well. ...
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  • A Chance to Make New Friends
    Chance, a friendly dog, loves playing in his backyard. One day, Artie takes him to the dog park where he makes new friends and has a great time.
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  • Oakley's Day at the Dog Park
    Oakley, a three-legged dog, goes to the park and feels left out. He teaches the other dogs about acceptance and they become friends.
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  • Jojo the Shelter Dog
    A true story of our shelter dog Jojo and how he found love and happiness in his adopted home. Written for my nephew, a big Jojo fan.
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  • The Wrong Friends
    Finding the right friends can be hard, but it helps when you have someone who truly cares.
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  • Winkle did a wee
    A cute little puppy with toilet training issues. Not at all loosely based on a puppy I might know
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  • Milo and Max's Troubles
    Milo and Max have some troubles in the park today. The Big Mean Lazy Dog comes to the park to destroy their lives forever. But Milo and Max give the dog an rotten apple. What…
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