Haunted Doll Books

  • A Book of Math Stories to Solve
    A collection of math word problems for children, covering topics such as cupcakes, crayons, pools, cars, dolls, ghosts, parties, batteries, cookies, and books.
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  • My haunted doll
    This is the story of a 12-year-old girl who got a strange and creepy doll from her grandma and after she got it strange things are happening to her house

    all of my b…
  • The Haunted Doll Part 2
    A child's day starts with a creepy doll in their room, encounters it throughout the day, and ends with a mysterious encounter in the park.
  • The doll
    A group of friends rent a haunted cabin and encounter a sinister doll that terrorizes them.
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  • My Best Friend
    A story about a friendship that starts in fourth grade, goes through ups and downs, but ultimately lasts a lifetime.
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  • Urban Legends
    A collection of three short scary stories: a hitchhiker's ghostly encounter, a haunted doll, and a dog that uncovers a thief.
  • Haunted halloween
    On Halloween night, Rick and Jane dare each other to enter an old abandoned house. Rick encounters a doll, his biggest fear, and disappears. Jane finds a mirror with a skull.…
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  • Ten Days of Hallow
    A rhyming story about a grandmother giving spooky gifts to her grandchild for Halloween.
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