Mentos Books

    Make a homemade rocket and see how high you can get it to fly.
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  • How Much Mentos Has The Biggest Explosion In Coke?
    Dr. Blace, a scientist, conducts an experiment to determine the amount of Mentos that creates the best explosion in Coca-Cola.
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  • Diary of Red Pandas
    Jade, a red panda, shares her daily experiences in her diary, including school, family, and a dangerous encounter on a field trip.
  • All About Me(:
    A collection of lists and personal reflections from a middle schooler, covering favorite things, annoyances, memories, rules for surviving middle school, goals/fears for high…
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  • Healthy food and unhealthy food
    A series of humorous letters from various foods in Imogen's fridge, each expressing their unique perspectives and desires.
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    On his birthday, a boy and his cousins visit a sugar-covered planet. They face challenges, answer questions, and meet a sorceress to return home.
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  • Trash
    A book about picking up our trash and what the trash men do with it. Great book for your little trash truck lover!
  • theres an explosion
    A science book explaining the concepts of matter, states of matter, chemical reactions, and pH levels through a conversation with a curious kitten.
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