Scandal Books

  • Baseball
    A brief history of baseball, including the formation of the first team, the Black Sox scandal, and information about the Atlanta Braves. Also includes tips on pitching and ba…
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  • Watergate Scandal
    The Watergate scandal and its consequences, including President Nixon's resignation and the convictions of his administration members.
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  • Vanity fair
    The story follows the lives of Becky, Rawdon, Amelia, and Dobbin after a scandal. They face various challenges and make life-changing decisions.
  • Shayne's Scandal
    Addyson, a famous basketball player, accuses her rival Shayne of plagiarizing her blog. They resolve their differences and become friends.
    The story of Richard Nixon's political career, including his presidential victories, the Watergate scandal, and his resignation.
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  • The Freddy Scandal:
    This is my origin story! This is how I became Freddy Fazbear...

    Hope you enjoyed reading it! Plz like!
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  • Nixon and Watergate
    A brief history of Richard Nixon's presidency, including his involvement in the Watergate scandal and subsequent resignation.
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  • The Watergate Scandal
    A timeline of key events during Richard Nixon's presidency, including the Watergate scandal and his eventual resignation.
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