Student Engagement Books

  • Conquering the Key Concepts
    Hannah, a passionate teacher, explores various educational technologies and models to enhance student learning and engagement.
  • Will Wants to Learn Again!
    Mr. Smith, a teacher, realizes his traditional teaching methods aren't engaging his students. He learns about differentiated instruction and successfully implements it, impro…
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  • Multimedia Technologies
    The story introduces multimedia technologies and their benefits in education, emphasizing student engagement, content creation, and knowledge retention.
  • I used to think...Now I think...
    The story discusses the author's changing perspective on technology in the classroom and the various ways it can be used to enhance learning.
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  • Ms.Isom Goals
    A teacher outlines their goals for using technology, promoting student engagement, and varying teaching methods.
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  • The Differentiating Diva
    Ms. Diva, a teacher, helps Ben, a student who struggles with attention, by using differentiated instruction and engaging activities.
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  • Who Owes Technology an Apology?
    Ms. Nokia explores the benefits of technology in the classroom and sees positive changes in her students' learning and engagement.
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  • ISTE Student Standard 1.6
    This text discusses the importance of being a creative communicator and provides tips for educators on how to choose appropriate tools for student engagement.
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