Sunflowers Books

  • Lift Your Head Sunflower
    Being different is no excuse to not live in peace and harmony. We all have something wonderful deep down inside us to share with this world. Respecting our uniqueness and i…
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  • Ruby And The Sunflower
    Ruby and Tim compete in a sunflower growing contest, but Ruby cheats by using a cane to support her sunflower. She confesses and apologizes, and they become friends.
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  • Sunny the Sunflower
    Sunny, a sunflower, faces bullying from the daisies in the field. She confronts them with kindness and teaches them to accept differences.
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  • All About Sunflowers
    A detailed exploration of sunflowers, covering their uses, beauty, and various facts about them.
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  • Nishi's sunflowers
    Nishi, a 4-year-old girl, has a garden full of friends. When her favorite chipmunk, Chippy, accidentally scatters sunflower seeds, they grow into a surprise patch of sunflowe…
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  • Saving A Sunflower
    A boy on a farm helps a sad flower by repositioning it towards the sun, making it feel better.
    by jyp1
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  • Mellow Yellow Where's Your Jell-O
    A story about Mellow Yellow who can't seem to find his yellow Jell-O.
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  • Zoe's Garden of Color
    A young girl's exploration of colors as told by working with her family in their garden.
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