Tripping Books

  • The Brave Girl and Scared Monster
    Who's afraid of whom? Facing our fears can help us conquer them.
    Eye Icon 17972
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  • If You Are Clumsy
    A chain of events is described, showing that being clumsy leads to tripping, falling, getting bruises, and distractions.
  • Autumn & Liam's First Day of School by Autumn Margaret
    This book is a short tale about how to stop bullying. Empowering kids who may feel like they are alone. For Ages 4 and up.
    Eye Icon 197
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  • Ninjago: Rise of the Snakes
    This is the book to read if you enjoy ninjago. The ninjas have to save the people in Jamanakai village from snakes.
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  • How the Lizard Lost Its Wings
    A tale long-forgotten, now recounted of How the Lizard Lost Its Wings. Young Lizard is told a catastrophic prophecy, which will lead him to a series of unique encounters in a…
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  • Heroes of the World
    Hennry and the professor build a prop machine, but are interrupted by bombs. They escape, defeat the bad guy, and turn props back into humans.
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  • Dog & CatBy: Silas Pearson
    Shadow the cat and Whiskers the dog go on an adventure, but encounter some mishaps along the way.
  • Jack Has a Sleepover
    Jack is a little boy who always wanted to have a sleepover. He heard about other children having them and thought it would be so much fun.
    Eye Icon 276
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