Writing Books

  • Becoming Bella
    Written for my young daughter (my 1st ever go at writing down a story!). I wanted the story to have the message of 'change is OK' as everyone experience changes as we grow.
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  • The Girl who Became an Author
    A lonely girl's life is told, as she is on her way to becoming an author.
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    The LEGO EPIC ADVENTURES written by the Lego Writing Camp held at Wise Primary 2019.
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  • UMS Writing Camp 2022 Lego Adventures
    A collection of children's stories involving adventures, treasure hunts, and battles with mythical creatures. The characters face various challenges and learn important lesso…
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  • N.B. Youth Poet Contest
    A collection of children's poems, each with its unique theme and style. The poems encourage self-love, appreciation of nature, hope, and creativity. They are beautifully illu…
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  • If You Give a Girl a Pencil
    Phylicia, a fourth-grade student, faces challenges at her new school but discovers her passion for writing and gains confidence in herself.
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  • UMS Writing Camp 2019 Lego Legends Vol. I
    Princess Ariel is kidnapped by an evil alien and taken to Mars. With the help of her cook, she escapes and marries him.

    Percy investigates storms in Stormax and fig…
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  • The Ultimate Comeback
    My name is Malachi, I am 8 years old. I enjoy playing baseball. I have played this sport since I was 4 years old. I enjoy reading and writing books in my spare time.
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