My Published Books (2)

  • Hello!
    I have created my 2nd book and I really hope you like.
    How would you feel you were bullied, or had Autism?
    What do you feel about my book?
    What is your favorite part?
    by Aadhya Mantri
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  • Hey Everyone! This is my first book I published called Nikki's Adventure. Do you like adventure? What makes your adventure special? Which part of the book is your favorite? Be sure to write your answers in the comments! I hope you like the book!!
    by Aadhya Mantri
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My Public / Unpublished Books (2)

  • Thank you guys so much for your encouragement! Here's my new book, The Haunted House, for those who like scary stories, but not too scary! My next book will be coming out on July 5th, 2023.
    by Aadhya Mantri
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  • Hi, welcome! Here I'm presenting my 3rd book, "The Animal Hero."
    Layla shows her true love and kindness towards her little furry friends and tries to help the world. Along the way she meets a lot of challenges, cool things, fun friends, and finally, her furry friends! Please like, comment, share, and finally buy the book! Enjoy the book! Thank you for reading!

    P.S - This book might convince your parents to get you a pet! Haha!
    by Aadhya Mantri
    Eye Icon 49
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