My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • A dog embarks on a journey with the help of his city friends to get back home in the big city of New York, while also trying to save the world.
    by Adventures In a House
    Eye Icon 2
  • Finnegan can't wait to see the ocean moon! But when he finds out he can't see it from the south, he escapes from home to see it. But will he ever find his way?
    by Adventures In a House
    Eye Icon 13
  • A fable about a snake learning his lesson about being mean to people.
    by Adventures In a House
    Eye Icon 17
    Star Icon 1
  • It's the night before Christmas, and Santa Claus is coming to town! By Clement Clarke Moore, here is one of the best known classic Christmas tales ever written.
    by Adventures In a House
    Eye Icon 40
  • Will Jack be able to fly when a big tornado comes and destroys the farm?
    by Adventures In a House
    Eye Icon 15

My Collection - "Education" Follow Collection


My Collection - "Animals" Follow Collection


My Collection - "Birds" Follow Collection


My Collection - "Books I Like" Follow Collection

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