My Published Books (1)

  • It's almost Christmas, and a girl finds out a shocking discovery about her dad.
    by Carissa Eret
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My Public / Unpublished Books (3)

  • A little girl named Poppy's mother tells a magical bedtime story that might be more true then Poppy realizes.
    by Carissa Eret
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  • Cordelia never thought that her life would ever be anything but cleaning and being bossed around. That is...until her mother and two sisters refuse to let her move to a new place with them, and sends her off with a strange, dirty woman who is Cordelia's grandmother. But...maybe there's MORE to this happy old woman.
    by Carissa Eret
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  • Four girls Lucy, Amelie, Zoey, and Penelope adore dancing. But they've never had real dance lessons. One day, their mom signs them up for dance lessons, and buys them tutus that were once used by famous ballerinas! But, the girls have a mystery when they realize how incredible at dance they are at lessons, but not nearly as good at home, or anywhere else. Will they find out what is going on in dance, or will the mystery remain?
    by Carissa Eret
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