My Published Books (1)

  • Its Mother's Day but Harper, Finn, Dad, and Nana, are out of town. So, Berkley (Harper's dog), Camp (Dad & Finn's Dog), and Roxy (Nana's dog) want to make her day special. But soon it actually turns into a messy disaster around the house and Mom has too clean it up! Will Mother's Day be a disaster or will Berkley, Camp, and Roxy make it better!?
    by Harper Hastings
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My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • What if dogs could talk? Or what if they could write poetry!? If they could, they probably would have a lot to say! So read every dog's word written in poetry in this book. Everyone has something to say, including these dogs!
    by Harper Hastings
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  • Lola was just trying to take a nap, but what was all that noise? It was a little girl, ready to take her horse out for a ride. But when they soon realize their farm is in trouble they must sell him for the money. Find out how that little girl takes Squirt to the next level in "Show pony Squirt!"
    by Harper Hastings
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  • Queen rules this farm but when King joins she isn't that happy. It would have been off with his head if she hadn't enjoyed playing with him. When one day they had their Lola, and somewhere else on that farm Sapphire the mare had her Squirt. And sooner or later they become best friends!
    by Harper Hastings
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  • So you've heard theres a dinasour living underwater and you don't know what is!? Don't worry this book can help. From what she eats to where she lives, and a bunch more! all in one book.
    by Harper Hastings
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