My Public / Unpublished Books (7)

  • Are you a fan of mysteries? Come and join a fun adventure and heartwarming moments
    by Ananya Jaldu
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  • Mila is nervous about her first day of kindergarten but makes a friend named Mary. Together, they face challenges and find joy in school, ending the day excited to return.
    by Ananya Jaldu
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  • A poetic exploration of the meanings of various plants, expressing emotions and concepts associated with each one, inviting readers to share this knowledge with others.
    by Ananya Jaldu
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  • Do you have a sibling? They would probably like to read this book!
    by Ananya Jaldu
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  • An old man and his son take a donkey to the fair, but their fun turns into trouble when they fall into the river. They learn a lesson about kindness and laughter.
    by Ananya Jaldu
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  • Do you have a dream? Read about a girl who has a magnificent dream!
    by Ananya Jaldu
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  • Do you like food? Find some mouth watering food in this book!
    by Ananya Jaldu

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