My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • Another Sophie Anne original. All fiction and may be a little too scary for some young readers.
    by Janet Davis
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  • Sophie befriends a duck at the pond, but it becomes a nuisance. She tries to get rid of it but eventually realizes it deserves a second chance.
    by Janet Davis
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  • a 16 page work of art. This book teaches that you should always give second chances.
    by Janet Davis
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  • A dog and a kitten, previously abused, find a new home but run away due to mistrust. They end up in a scary forest, but their love for each other remains constant.
    by Janet Davis
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  • Three dogs named Scout, Rascal, and Porter live with a girl named Madeleine. They build houses to escape an annoying parrot, but their laziness leads to trouble. They learn not to judge on first impressions and that laziness doesn't pay off.
    by Janet Davis
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