My Public / Unpublished Books (19)

  • Poppy is a very mean girl. She bullies and hides her grades behind her mom. But one day her bad actions come back at her
    by Nicole Winston Powell
  • This story outlines the developmental milestones children go through from birth to 18 years, highlighting key skills and abilities gained at each stage.
    by Nicole Winston Powell
  • A fun and playful story about Lex's love for various things, from apples to the zoo, with a focus on wheels and family.
    by Nicole Winston Powell
  • A collection of stories created by Mrs. Green's students, each representing a letter of the alphabet. The stories showcase the students' personalities and interests through drawings and explanations.
    by Nicole Winston Powell
  • A list of various professions and activities that children can aspire to be, encouraging them to follow their dreams.
    by Nicole Winston Powell
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  • Go on a adventure meeting each one of the kids. There will be more in the future! I hope you enjoy/enjoyed
    by Nicole Winston Powell
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  • by Nicole Winston Powell
  • A short, poetic story about overcoming problems and coming together, regardless of age or species.
    by Nicole Winston Powell
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  • A story teaching you to have a little faith sometimes and to believe in yourselves.
    by Nicole Winston Powell
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  • Go through the book meeting each character pets! I hope you enjoy/enjoyed!
    by Nicole Winston Powell
  • A girl named Brooklyn Thinks she's a failure when failing to answer a question. But her teachers tell's her she's not. Hope you enjoyed!
    by Nicole Winston Powell
  • by Nicole Winston Powell
  • It's a story about a monster in a village and they try to get rid of it and soon enough it works!
    by Nicole Winston Powell
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  • A misunderstood monster in a village overcomes fear and gains trust by making friends and helping the villagers.
    by Nicole Winston Powell
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  • Faith and her annoying sister Grace have a rocky relationship, but eventually reconcile and realize their love for each other.
    by Nicole Winston Powell
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  • by Nicole Winston Powell
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  • A girl and her bestie lilly and reily are bullying a little girl well only reily is and lilly fixs it by telling the teacher
    by Nicole Winston Powell
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  • by Nicole Winston Powell
  • This is all about me! I hope you like it!
    by Nicole Winston Powell
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