My Published Books (12)

  • This book is an alphabet series book and simply mentions some letter "A" words with all "A" words underlined and high lighted in red.
    by Tina Hernandez
    Eye Icon 116
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  • The letter "B" is an alphabet series book. It describes some different things that start with the letter "B", with the "B" words underlined and highlighted throughout the book.
    by Tina Hernandez
    Eye Icon 47
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  • Another Little Book of Little Prayers is the second prayer book I have written. With new prayers for children and adults to learn and love.
    by Tina Hernandez
    Eye Icon 31
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  • This is a book about how amazing the weather in the simplest forms can be.
    by Tina Hernandez
    Eye Icon 10
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  • This book is written by my nephew Evan. He is 5 years old and just starting kindergarten this year. He told me what to type and he picked all the pictures himself! It is his first book here on StoryJumper.
    by Tina Hernandez
    Eye Icon 12
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  • This book was written by my nephew Julian. It is his first book he has written on StoryJumper.
    by Tina Hernandez
    Eye Icon 5
  • This book has fill it in blanks for the kids to tell some of the story however they choose and each time they read it they can forever change the story again and again!
    by Tina Hernandez
    Eye Icon 26
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  • This book is a fun book with a few stories that kids will love about miscellaneous short stories with pictures. Each story is about a paragraph in length, just long enouph to hold kids attention.
    by Tina Hernandez
    Eye Icon 33
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  • A book written by my nephew of 7 years old himself read it please!
    by Tina Hernandez
    Eye Icon 92
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  • This is the first book I have completed and published. It is a funny book about kids candy and food, but there is a twist at the end.
    by Tina Hernandez
    Eye Icon 34
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  • A simple, colorful book about rainbows. Easy for little children to understand with lots of pictures for them to enjoy!
    by Tina Hernandez
    Eye Icon 171
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  • This book has simple little prayers I wrote intended for little children, but could be loved by all ages.
    by Tina Hernandez
    Eye Icon 48
    Star Icon 6

My Public / Unpublished Books (14)

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