My Published Books (7)

  • This is a book for girls who've decided to be baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
    by Carol Wight
    Eye Icon 34
  • Aiden encounters a talking frog, rides on a rainbow, and finds gold in a pot. The frog promises to return when there is a rainbow.
    by Carol Wight
    Eye Icon 55
  • This is a short dialogue depicting the pleasure of reading for beginning readers.
    by Carol Wight
    Eye Icon 202
    Star Icon 1
  • Nanas and Grandmas-what's the difference? All grandmas are good, no matter what they are called.
    by Carol Wight
    Eye Icon 62
    Star Icon 1
  • The narrator draws pictures inspired by a class and illustrates a song. They provide definitions for some words and direct readers to find the song on YouTube.
    by Carol Wight
    Eye Icon 14
    Star Icon 1
  • A young boy named John finds a small egg that hatches into an alien named Nathan. Despite being different, Nathan is accepted by John's family and grows up to be a brilliant scientist who contributes significantly to space exploration.
    by Carol Wight
    Eye Icon 54
    Star Icon 3
  • A unicorn named Fluffy takes Sophia on a magical ride to see the galaxy and the moon.
    by Carol Wight
    Eye Icon 113
    Star Icon 6

My Public / Unpublished Books (1)

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