My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • The #3 book in the "Hannah and Scarlet" series
    Hannah and Scarlet go and visit their Grandparents. Grandma and Grandpa tell them a story about the olden days
    by Sasha Fernandes
    Eye Icon 188
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  • Hannah loses her tooth and can't find it! Meanwhile her twin sister Scarlet finds the tooth but is jealous and doesn't tell Hannah
    by Sasha Fernandes
    Eye Icon 55
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  • The second book in the 'Hannah and Scarlet' series.
    Scarlet and Hannah can't wait until Christmas. But then Scarlet and Hannah see a bicycle in the toy shop and really want it. But will they get it?
    by Sasha Fernandes
    Eye Icon 17
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  • A girl called Millicent get sent to Australia for seven years after stealing a chicken.On her journey she makes friends and has extraordinary adventures
    by Sasha Fernandes
    Eye Icon 18
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  • Madelena has moved to a new school but she doesn't know how to make new friends.
    by Sasha Fernandes
    Eye Icon 35
    Star Icon 4
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