My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • The story describes the journey of settlers to Jamestown, their struggles, and the resources they found. It ends with a question and a moral lesson.
    by sdtesterman
    Eye Icon 7200
    Star Icon 5
  • An informative text about symbols, using Virginia as an example. It explains what symbols are and provides examples of symbols in Virginia, such as the state flag, bird, and flower.
    by sdtesterman
    Eye Icon 5900
    Star Icon 6
  • Josh, a 1st-grader, goes on a mission trip to a mysterious island with his church. He overcomes fear and shares his love for Jesus with the people there.
    by sdtesterman
    Eye Icon 3646
  • An informative book about various marine animals and their characteristics, with references to God's creation.
    by sdtesterman
    Eye Icon 596

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