My Published Books (2)

  • This is a modern-day fairy story which takes place within the bowels of the Earth. It is written in rhyme which gives it an old-school feel.
    by Sophie Chenoweth
    Eye Icon 316
    Star Icon 9
  • This is a story told in rhyme that will inspire all the children who love dancing.
    by Sophie Chenoweth
    Eye Icon 169
    Star Icon 4

My Public / Unpublished Books (3)

  • This is a poem about the COVID-19 pandemic from an Australian perspective.
    by Sophie Chenoweth
    Eye Icon 40
    Star Icon 1
  • This book is about the power of music and its ability to release us from our pain.
    by Sophie Chenoweth
    Eye Icon 24
    Star Icon 1
  • This story is about a little girl who sees a fairy and an elf and hopes it's not all in her imagination!
    by Sophie Chenoweth
    Eye Icon 39
    Star Icon 2

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