Curiosity Books

  • Life as an Inuit Child
    A young Inuit child describes their daily life, including school, chores, hunting, and living in igloos. They wonder how children from other tribes live.
    Eye Icon 6685
    Star Icon 40
  • Alice in Wonderland
    Alice falls into a rabbit hole and enters a strange world where she encounters talking animals, changes size, and attends a tea party with the Mad Hatter and March Hare.
    Eye Icon 5472
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  • My Adventure
    Best for growing readers. The plot is nicely segregated into different sections based on the characters next move. Creates curiosity in readers mind and very entertaining.
    Eye Icon 769
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  • Jaxson's Dinosaur
    A young boy who loves dinosaurs is told a story by his grampa.
    Eye Icon 366
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  • The Tale of Snowdrop Bunnyhood Snowdrop Learns about Christmas
    Snowdrop Bunnyhood, a curious young bunny, embarks on a quest to understand the true meaning of Christmas.
    Eye Icon 68
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  • The Little Frog
    This story is about a little frog who always wants what others have but doesn't realise that he has a lot.
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  • Upon A Star
    A curious boy named Cameron embarks on a dream journey through space, exploring the properties of different planets and realizing the value of his home.
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  • Curious George and the Brain
    This was originally meant for a Psychology assignment of mine, but after some persuasion I ended up making it public.
    Eye Icon 1840
    Star Icon 26
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